User-driven Disruptive Innovation

When business environmental changes are little, suppliers of products and services are improving their products and services while listening to the needs of the user. (SCI: Supplier-driven Continuous Improvement)


But, when business environmental changes are drastic and users demands became extreme to destroy supplier’s business model, supplier will try to ignore or interfere those demands.


Those users, who are dissatisfied with supplier’s attitude, will initiate user-driven disruptive innovation. (UDI: User-driven Disruptive Innovation)


In the ICT: Information & Communication Technology field, there are UDI activities, not only software but also network and hardware. For example, OSI: Open Source Initiative, ONF: Open Network Foundation and OCP: Open Compute Project.


The pros and cons of SCI and UDI depend on the speed of business environmental change, but those who love changes should enjoy UDI. 


I am exiting now.